Smart by Backstage Salon Area from 75 to 150 m2 3 directions: hair, nails, makeup Possible locations in residential areas, shopping malls, fitness clubs, etc. Team of 10-15 people
Contract terms: Initial contribution - €25,000 Royalty 5% of turnover or a fixed amount - starts when the salon becomes profitable TM Smart by Backstage - right to use for one salon in your city
Total costs from €150,000
Expected performance: Profitability - 15-20% Financial turnover - €20,000-€40,000/month Payback period - from 24 months
From our end:
Consulting on choosing the salon location
Developing design project according to Backstage standards
Providing brand book and all Backstage materials
Setting up business processes
Calculating business model, payback, breakeven point, expected profitability
Providing and seting up the website and CRM system
Conducting market analysis, providing marketing strategy and planning its implementation
Engaging in team building and training, procurement procedures, and fostering partnerships
Providing work and service standards
Offering a launch team that guides you through the opening and supports you for the next 3 months
Providing our support and consulting throughout the collaboration